Thursday, January 24, 2008

About Magistrian

My translation from the Slavonic version of the Lausiac History:
A certain youth by the name of Magistrian, splendid in appearance and pious of soul, being inflamed by God with spiritual zeal to hold death in disdain, entered a house of kept women late at night under the pretense of debauchery. He said: “Allow me to spend the night with this virgin.” Going with her into a special room, he said to her: “Arise, and save yourself!” Taking her clothes, he dressed her in his frock, tunic, cloak, and other masculine clothing, saying to her: “Cover your body with the cloak and leave.” She did just this, and covering her entire body with the sign of the cross, she left this place uncorrupted and undefiled; she was entirely saved by the grace of Christ and the efforts of the young man, who by his own blood saved her from the disgrace of corruption. The next day the deed was discovered, and Magistrian was brought before a cruel judge. This dishonorable one subjected the glorious martyr of Christ to questioning and, learning everything, commanded that he be thrown to the beasts, so that in this way the devil might be disgraced, who hates everything good; for thinking that he would subject the brave young man to shameful punishment, he made him a martyr of Christ twice-over. Magistrian courageously struggled both for his own immortal soul and for the glorious and blessed virgin, valiantly undergoing suffering for her; therefore he was found worthy of a double honor from Christ, and glorious and blessed crowns from His loving-kindness.

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