Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Mike Aquilana, author of The Fathers of the Church and proprietor of the invaluable web log The Way of the Fathers, was kind enough to link to Ora et Labora, for which we are very grateful. Mr. Aquilana's site is the closest thing to a Patristic news source on the web: he regularly links to posts on other sites that concern the Fathers, as well as regularly announces the publication of new books on Patristic theology which otherwise receive virtually no publicity and the reviews of which won't appear in specialized journals for at least a year or two after publication.

I'll take this opportunity to introduce other fine blogs listed under my bibliography below. Anastasis, the extremely useful site of Archimandrite Ephrem (Lash) of Manchester, contains a wealth of his own translations of liturgical texts and writings of the Fathers – especially Sts Athanasius of Alexandria, Theodore the Studite, and Ephrem the Syrian – as well as essays on translating liturgical texts from Greek to English. Most of these extraordinary translations and essays have not appeared in print.

The Church Calendar is a detailed list of saints and Scripture readings with very helpful rubrics from the Typicon, hosted by the Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Church in Baltimore. This calendar follows the Julian (or Old) Calendar.

Energetic Procession, the theological blog of of Perry C. Robinson (aka Acolyte) and Daniel Jones (aka Photios), deals foremost with the Patristic teaching of the Divine Energies (or "operations").

I have generally avoided linking to sites of political commentary, in order to avoid alienating any potential readers. However, I can't help but link to Eunomia, written by Daniel Larison, a PhD student in Byzantine history at the University of Chicago and a parishioner of the St Innocent of Moscow Church outside Chicago.

Glory to God for All Things is the warm and wonderful web log of Fr Stephen Freeman, who lives and serves in East Tennessee.

Holy Trinity Orthodox School, created by the late Bishop Alexander (Mileant), is an invaluable resource for standard seminary texts in Russian, English, and Spanish, all of which can be read online or downloaded.

Monachos.net is, according to its own description, a guide to Orthodoxy through patristic, monastic and liturgical theology. Its Patristics Master List is utterly invaluable. The webmaster is M. C. Steenberg, fellow of Patristic Theology and Church History, Greyfriars Hall, The University of Oxford. He is also serves as a deacon at the Parish of St Nicholas the Wonderworker, also in Oxford.

The Orthodox Christian Information Center, run by Patrick Barnes, is one of the best sources for articles on Orthodoxy written from a traditionalist perspective.

Orthodox Links is just what its title says it to be: a very large source of links on all aspects of Orthodox theology, grouped by subject.

Orthodoxie: L'Information orthodoxe sur Internet (in French) is my favorite source of news concerning the Orthodox world, with special attention to Orthodoxy in Europe in general and France in particular. It is notable for being free from inter-Orthodox polemics. It regularly features short book reviews by the brilliant Jean-Claude Larchet.

OrthodoxWiki is a quickly growing free-content encyclopedia and information center for Orthodox Christianity.

Pravoslavie.ru is one of the best and most comprehensive resources on Orthodoxy in Russian. They also host an English version which is less regularly updated.

Second Terrace, the web log of Fr Jonathan Tobias is, in my humble opinion, the best single Orthodox web log in existence. Fr Jonathan's blog is beautifully written, deeply thoughtful, and very wise.

The Ochlophobist is a very thoughtful and theologically serious web log of an Orthodox layman.

I invite you all to visit these fine sites, with the hope that you will find them as profitable as I have.


  1. all internet sites I frequent often! Beautiful choices! wonderful blog!

    in Christ,

  2. I'm rather fond of Biblicalia, which is run by Kevin Edgecomb, an Orthodox layman. Kevin blogs on many interests, but with definite concentrations in Biblical studies, patristics, theology, and poetry.
