Friday, February 15, 2008

African Antiphons

From an old call-and-response exchange from Black American churches:
Caller: What's wrong with Jesus?
Response: He's alright!

Caller: He's food when I'm hungry!
Response: He's alright!

Caller: He's water when I'm thirsty!
Response: He's alright!

Caller: Some say Jesus is the white man's god.
Response: He's still alright!
From Theophus H. Smith, "The Spirituality of Afro-American Traditions" in Christian Spirituality: Post-Reformation and Modern, 380.

The above photographs depict His Eminence, Metropolitan Jonah of Kampala and All Uganda (Church of Alexandria), and his flock. For more information on Orthodoxy in Uganda, click here.

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