Tuesday, February 5, 2008

An Invitation to Conversation

It's hard to believe that this humble web log has been in existence for only just over two weeks. Thanks in large part to fellow bloggers who have linked here, this blog has received more than 1,000 page views in its very short life. I hope you have enjoyed reading my posts as much as I have enjoyed writing them.

It's often pointed out that theology is essentially dialogical: it is a dialog not only between God and man, but between men as well. None of the Church's doctrines were worked out in solitude and isolation; they all arose from dialog and dispute. It would therefore be wonderful if this blog, too, could become a place for dialog and dispute (though not, I hope, in the polemical sense of the word); I would enjoy seeing it become more "interactive," as people nowadays put it. I therefore welcome comments, criticism, corrections, and reflections – from both Orthodox and non-Orthodox – with the hope that this blog will become less didactic and more conversational.


  1. Sorry, sorry, sorry. I should apologize for taking advantage of this Blog - if that's possible. I admit that I have read the posts from the beginning and yet haven't commented or contributed to anyone or anything that has been posted here. I fear that I most likely come under the negative critiques of St. Photius in anything that I would write but nonetheless, I believe the users of this community would bear with me if I use this and them as a learning opportunity. From the beginning I have enjoyed this Blog and the breadth and scope of its articles but have not engaged with anything on it nor made any comments concerning it's beneficial rewards to me. Therefore, with the prodding of the webmaster through this post let me come out of the shadows and try to benefit from this Blog as much as it seems I can.
    Finally, let me remove this mental condom so that I can start to use this small brain that I have to try to learn a few things that may prove to be of value.

  2. No need to apologize, and welcome aboard!

    It would really be lovely for readers -- either regular or ocasssional, to make this a real gathering (ekklesia) by mutual interaction. I'm not worthy to be the lone voice in the wilderness!

    Winnie the Pooh was himself a bear of small brains, but just consider the contribution he's made to philosophy!

  3. At the very least, take heart (Eminence? Father?) that in the world of the blog, silence indicates assent.

    Your blog is a pleasure, and I'm daily refreshed by your choice of subject matter.

  4. Thanks, Kevin. Your words really do mean a lot to me.
