Sunday, February 17, 2008

Kosovo Independence

You've read the news, now make sure to keep up with the commentary here, here, and here.
Bishop Artemije's advice to Serbs in Kosovo:
"We are all expecting something difficult and horrible," Bishop Artemije, the head of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Kosovo, told hundreds of Serbs at the St Dimitrije church in the north Kosovo town of Mitrovica.

"Our message to you, all Serbs in Kosovo, is to remain in your homes and around your monasteries, regardless of what God allows or our enemies do," he said.
For background, see my previous posts History is a Scandal, Crucified Kosovo, and Kosovo: The Eleventh Hour.

Most unintentionally hilarious correction (which has since disappeared from the web) from The New York Times story:
Correction: An earlier version of this article incorrectly attributed to President Bush a statement that he did not make. The president did not say “Kosovo is part of Serbia.”

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