Wednesday, April 30, 2008

It's Later Than You Think!


  1. Can you provide an explanation of what this is?

  2. See the July 11, 2008 post for an explanation:

  3. Dear Justin, I congratulate on you your website! You may be just the person I am looking for! I am of German descent also, and converted to Orthdoxy 2 years ago. I found this site because I searched on Orthdox churches in Munich. I was born in Munich and will be returning to visit family in June, 2009, so naturally I would like to find an Orthodox church in advance. I am also hoping, while spending a few days in Munich, to research a family mystery. To my knowledge I am the first Orthodox in my family, my later mother's Bavarian roots being Catholic. After my father died in spring, 2008, I found among his papers an unusual document that seemed to indicate that my grandfather might have been Orthodox. Would you or anyone who reads this and is willing to help feel free to contact me at & I wish to know the exact location of the Russian Orthodox Church in Muenchen, and also be put in contact with the Orthodox clergy there to see if they can help me with my mystery.

    With gratitutde and
    In Christ,

    Washington, D.C.

  4. P.S. Perhaps my message should have been direct to Aaron and Brigid. Please forgive my confusion. Any help anyone can give me is appreciated.
