Thursday, July 10, 2008

Archpriest Gabriel Kin: Eternal Memory!

I was saddened to learn that another Jordanville old-timer, Archpriest Gabriel Kin, reposed in the Lord during the night of June 17-18. Ordained to the priesthood in 1976 by Archbishop Averky of blessed memory, he served in a number of parishes in the Western American Diocese before spending the last decades of his life in Richfield Springs, NY, near Holy Trinity Monastery, where he also taught at the Seminary.

Fr Gabriel possessed a buoyant, cheerful personality that found its most ready expression in preaching. His sermons were always lively and heartfelt, simple and straightforward in tone, and often accompanied by expressive gestures. He especially loved to preach on feastdays of the Mother of God, for whom he always showed special love and reverence. He was the man to go to if one needed a replacement in one's preaching slot (in Jordanville sermons are given by rotation); I very much doubt that he ever refused an opportunity to give a sermon. Although a man of learning and scientific achievement (if I recall correctly he, like the late Bishop Alexander, spent some time working for NASA), he was a man of great simplicity and directness, always smiling, always friendly. He was always very missionary-minded and took great pleasure in serving and preaching in English when he had the opportunity.

May the Lord grant rest to the soul of His newly-departed servant, Archpriest Gabriel!

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