Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Arising, and Walking

I'm happy to report that I am convalescing well, although I'm still in the hospital. I thank you all sincerely for your prayers and support, without which I'd certainly be in much worse shape. I'll be released, God willing, during the last week of July.

I'm just now checking my email for the first time in roughly two months, so please be patient if you're expecting a reply. Those who have written to my personal email address in the past two months should have received an automated message stating that I was away from my computer. I've now turned off the automatic messaging, but it will likely be some time before I'm able to catch up with correspondence. My cell phone doesn't work in the hospital, and I rarely bother to answer the room phone (I have – alas! – two roommates, and nearly all calls are for them), but I have received (and continue to receive) snail mail.

I hope to begin posting here again soon, depending on the state of my health and my access to the Internet. Thank you again for your prayers, and please continue offering them!


  1. I am so glad that you are recuperating. I will continue to pray for your recovery!

  2. This is great news! We have been frequently praying for you here in The Dalles, OR. May God grant you a speedy recovery and full restoration of health. We eagerly await your online presence again : ).

  3. Glory to God for all things!

    I'm very happy, Father! Thank you for the reassuring news. You are constantly in our prayers. :-)

  4. Δοξα τω Θεω!

    Today is more joyful now! Be assured of prayers. Get well soon.

  5. Very good news. May God grant you strength and steady progress to restored health.

    I do not know who you are, Father, but your writing has been a blessing to me and, I know, to many others as well.

  6. I'm delighted and relieved to hear of this. Prayers were said for you in the hinterlands of Michigan, at the Dormition Monastery there, and now again here in Puerto Rico.
