Monday, August 4, 2008

Hap What Hap May

I am afraid that, after a very short experiment as an outpatient, I have been readmitted to the hospital. I now have only occasional access to my laptop, and even more occasional access to the internet. I will likely need to stay put as an inpatient through most of August.

I am afraid that I will be unable to check my email, either my personal account or the account attached to this blog, for some time. I once again ask for your patience and prayers.

I was very saddened to learn that Alexander Solzhenitsyn reposed yesterday at the age of 89. Please see my previous posts on this great man here, here, and here. He was our greatest contemporary writer and political prophet. If you do nothing else today, read his justlyfamous "Harvard Address," and then purchase a copy of The Solzhenitsyn Reader: New and Essential Writings, 1947-2005. May his memory be eternal!

Photograph: the late Alexander Solzhenitsyn with Fr Alexander Schmemann.


  1. May St. Panteleimon, Sts. Kosmas and Damianos and all the unmercenary saints, and all saints be with you at this time: St. Nectarios, St. Seraphim of Sarov, St. Matrona of Chios, St. Markella of Chios, St. John the Wonderworker. God willing, be healed!
