Saturday, February 21, 2009

Computer Woes

As I noted in my return post, both my computer and I have been ill for some time. I've been getting better, but my computer has been getting worse. There's a good chance that one of these days it's going to depart from the land of the living altogether. If I suddenly stop posting or replying to your emails, you'll know happened. Consider yourselves forewarned!Link


  1. Will you be able to acquire another should that happen?

  2. Believe me, I don't want my computer to die, either. Really, what I need to do is to convince my superiors to pay for it to get therapy at an Apple Store. So far the only care it has gotten has been from the husbands of parishioners' cousins. You know, the sort who will look at it for free.

  3. So would you accept donations toward that care? Would your superiors object to that?
