Saturday, February 14, 2009

Return of the Prodigal

It is perhaps only appropriate that my first post in nearly half a year should come on the eve of the Sunday of the Prodigal Son. I was finally released from the hospital after a seemingly endless stay of nine months. My computer died at the end of August; only just today did we manage to get it in something like working order, although it stands in desperate need of further repair (rather like me in that respect). I haven't had access to my email accounts since before my admittance to the hospital, so I must ask forgiveness of all those who have written and received only an automated away message in the interim. I have several hundred unread emails, so I hope you will all be patient in awaiting replies to your messages. It may also take me some time to reply to new messages.

I do hope, God willing, to return to regular posting - if indeed my laptop holds out. I hope to reward your patience!

Please continue to remember me in your prayers!


  1. Yeah!!! Glad to have you back. We never stopped praying for you. Esteban and Kevin will be overjoyed.

  2. It's wonderful to see you back! May your health continue to improve.

  3. And overjoyed I am, indeed! Welcome back, dear Father. You have been greatly missed, and prayers have been said continually on your behalf throughout your absence.

  4. Matthew is correct, Father! I was about to start hunting a bishop to apprise us of your condition.

    Our prayers will continue, of course. Don't push yourself too hard. Catch up as you can. Write when you can. We all rejoice that you're improving. Maybe we can do something about the laptop, too. Send a message when you're caught up.

  5. Welcome back! I'd also been praying and was wondering whether there would ever be news...

  6. Thank you all very much for your warm and welcoming comments. It really does mean a great deal to me.

  7. Glory to God! You are restored to us -
    In Christ,
    the handmaid Leah
