Thursday, February 26, 2009

RIP: My Computer

For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come to me (Job 3:25).
As I had predicted in a post a few days ago, my computer has died. I'm afraid there will be a lull in posting until it gets fixed or replaced. I once again ask for your patience.


  1. Borrow a friend's computer to send me an email, Fr. If the repair is not too much, I'll cover the cost. Otherwise, perhaps we can take up an online collection for a new computer for you.

    We all benefit from your insightful and edifying postings. Contributing toward keeping them coming is only fitting.

  2. It seems the right time for a collection. Say the word and I will post of this on my blog, as will, I am sure, a score of other Orthodox bloggers, with links or info regarding payment options.

    It could be as simple as a Paypal account, should the good hierodeacon's abbot consent.

  3. Obviously the enemy of men does not want this wonderful Orthodox site to operate. Don't give up, Father! Darn that vile trickster anyway! We pray for your health and your speedy acquisition of a new machine. May the Lord's will be done.

  4. This is what happens when you criticize the Orthodox Study Bible. :)

  5. Dear Father, your comments have been very helpful to me. If I can contribute toward your need for computer repairs/purchase, please let me know.

  6. I will gladly contribute to the cost of a new computer.

