Monday, February 16, 2009

Web Recommendations

I've been trying to make up for lost time by seeing what's new on the Church-related Internet. Two sites have especially impressed me.

The first is a site containing Archpriest Eugene Tarris' excellent English translation of Sergius V. Bulgakov's famed Nastolnaya Kniga Dlya Svyaschenno-Tserkovno-Sluzhitelei (Handbook for Church Servers). (This Bulgakov should by no means be confused with the the "Paris School" theologian of the same name.) This is truly a monumental accomplishment, and I will start linking to it regularly. It appears that so far all of part one is completed and online, with a bit from the second part (which is mainly liturgical) just going up. (The whole work is some 1300 pages in the original Russian, with very small print.) This work really is on the desk on nearly every Russian-speaking clergyman I know (the Russian title literally means "the on-the-desk-book").

The second is a new podcast by Deacon Matthew Steenberg, the webmaster of my favorite website, entitled A Word From the Holy Fathers. The only mystery to me is how someone from Minnesota could have developed such an accent.

For your convenience, I've added links to both sites – as well as to other blogs and sites that have caught my eye in the last few days – in the Webography on the right. Do take a look!

UPDATE: While you're subscribing to Fr Matthew's podcast, you should also subscribe to Fr Peter Alban Heer's podcast, Postcards From Greece, which I once before recommended.


  1. As is probably indicated somewhere in the links which you have already provided, Fr. Steenberg does have a new book in the presses, due out next month: 'Of God and Man: Theology as Anthropology from Irenaeus to Athanasius' (London, etc.: T&T Clark)
    Those who have benefited from his writings and counsel at Monachos, or anyone interested in the subject (which should be all of us!) might wish to check it out. Blessed Lent to all.

  2. Thanks very much for your tip!I see that copies can be pre-ordered (at a fairly reasonable price, I'm glad to note)from Amazon. It seems, however, that the cover is nearly identical to Norman Russell's "The Doctrine of Deification in the Greek Patristic Tradition."

    Does every book about Orthodoxy or Greek Patristics need an icon of the Transfiguration on the cover?

  3. Good to see you're back! Just noticed the new posts today.

    Fr. Milovan

  4. Russell's and Fr Steenberg's books look almost exactly the same! While it is different in design, Reclaiming the Great Tradition, edited by the unfortunate perennialist, Cutsinger, uses a detail of the same icon.

  5. Batiushka,

    You have returned! I have been checking your website repeatedly for the last few months hoping and praying that you would come back with your wonderful insights on Orthodoxy!

  6. Fr Milovan and Br Juniper: Thanks very much for your kind welcomes!
