Thursday, May 14, 2009

Without An (Inter-) Net

My internet connection has been touch-and-go for the past several days. Most of the time I can't get online at all. When I do manage to get online, it's just a matter of time before I get disconnected once again. The normal pattern in this: I manage, after many attempts, to get online; then I write a reply to an email or compose a blog post; and then, before I can hit Send or Publish Post, I find myself to have been disconnected all over again. Please be patient with me. I promise to reply to all emails and comments, as well as to begin regular posting again, as soon as this problem resolves itself. At the moment my patience simply isn't up to battling it. Do bear in mind that there are still two more installments of St Hilarion's article "Holy Scripture, the Church, and Scholarship" to which to look forward. Now I just have to hope that this message gets posted before I'm unceremoniously booted offline again...


  1. Sorry about your internet troubles, Father. I am basically a computer idiot, so the slightest problem leaves me completely at a loss and so frustrated I want to give up.

  2. It appears you may have excessive line noise (interference) causing your connection to be dropped. I am assuming of course you have a dial-up connection. You may want to report this to your ISP to locate the source of this problem. If the problem is within your premises, it could be something as simple as a shared device (a phone, fax or answering machine, for instance) creating interference.
