Saturday, May 29, 2010

Balaam's Prophecy

Q & A with Fr Job:
Question: What do the words of the Old Testament mean: “And he took up his parable, and said, Balaam the son of Beor hath said, and the man whose eyes are open hath said” (Numbers 24:14)? What are these “open eyes”? Are they speaking about a third eye?

Answer: No. The expression cited from the Book of Numbers indicate that Balaam had the gift of clairvoyance. In an earlier passage it says: “Then the LORD opened the eyes of Balaam, and he saw the angel of the LORD standing in the way” (Num 22:31); “Barlaam the son of Beor hath said, and the man whose eyes are open hath said: he hath said, which heard the words of God, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open” (24:3-4).

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