Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Inexhaustible Cup

Today is the feast day of the Icon of the Mother of God of The Inexhaustible Cup. Here is a brief history of this wonder-working icon:
A peasant from the Efremovskii district of Tula province, a retired soldier, was an alcoholic, and a drunkard. He would drink away all his pension, everything that he possessed, anything that could be found in his house, and eventually he was ruined and literally became a beggar. From excessive drinking, his legs became paralysed, but still he continued drinking.

One day, the man, who seemed to have hit rock-bottom, had an unusual dream. In it a venerable old man came to him and said:

"Go to the city of Serpoukhov, to the monastery of the Theotokos. There you will find an icon of the Holy Mother called The Inexhaustible Cup. Have a moleben before it, and you will be healed, both spiritually and physically."

Without a penny to his name, and having no use of his legs, the man did not dare to go on a journey. But the holy man came to him a second and then a third time, and was so adamant in his admonition to obey his instructions, that the poor drunk did not dare to disobey any more, and he set off as quickly as he could, dragging himself on all fours.

In one of the neighbouring villages where he stopped to rest, an old woman took him in for the night. To ease his pain, she massaged his legs, and put him to rest on top of the clay oven, a customary place for the old or sickly, because of the warmth. During the night the travelling man felt a pleasant sensation in his legs, and discovered that he was able to stand. On the following nights his legs became even stronger. And so, first with two walking-sticks, and then with just one, he arrived in Serpoukhov.

Once in the monastery, he told about his visions, and asked to have the moleben served. But nobody there had ever heard of such an icon. They started to search for it, and noticed one that was hanging in the passage to the sacristy, that bore an image of a chalice. On the back of it, to their surprise, was written "The Inexhaustible Cup".

In the icon of St Varlaam, the disciple of the holy bishop Metropolitan Aleksii, the man immediately recognised the face of the holy elder who had appeared to him in his dreams.

From Serpoukhov the man departed, completely healed. The news about the miraculous icon spread quickly through the city, the region, and all of Rus'. Alcoholics ( those bound by the passion of drink ) and their families and friends, were coming to pray before the Mother of God for healing, and in time many came back to thank the all-merciful Theotokos for her speedy help.
An akathist can be found at the same link. Also read this interview with Archimandrite Meletios (Webber) about alcoholism; buy his book while you're at it if you know anyone affected by alcoholism.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful story! I hadn't heard it before. God provides healing for "all our diseases." Thanks for sharing it.
