Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Reading Group, 2d

The Moral Idea of the Dogma of the Incarnation
a. It is one thing to admire and another to imitate. And is it not deceptive to think one could imitate Christ?
b. A Christian is compelled to choose daily between Christ and the world. In Kant’s system one who wishes to struggle for perfection, still far from being free of cooperation with evil, must stand against all this force having nothing but the mere example of Christ.
c. Christ must not only be higher than the visible and known world, but higher than all conditional existence; for He must be an unconditional existence, and one without beginning.
  1. Why, according to Metropolitan Anthony, must Christ be God, higher than nature and the world, in order to be our Savior. How does he argue to this point?
  2. What are we called to do in response to confessing Christ as God?


  1. 1. Christ must be God, higher than nature and the world, in order to be our Savior because our nature generally, and my nature specifically, allures me with its delusions which is more innate and natural than the virtuous life. Even in the basic laws of organic life we are presented with a self-loving struggle for existence. Therefore a mere example of a virtuous man is not enough to inspire one to overcome such odds.
    The Metropolitan than follows this train of thought with other possible arguments of detractors saying that Christ must be higher than even all conditional existence.

    2. In response to confessing Christ as God we are called to renounce this world and contradict it and learn how to experience the highest spiritual unity with the world, which was created by the Word.

