Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Tsar-Martyr's Birthday

Today, on which we commemorate the Righteous Job the Long-Suffering (as well as his namesake, St Job of Pochaev), is the birthday of the Tsar-Martyr Nicholas II. Much slandered in his lifetime, he continues to be misunderstood today. St John of Shangahai and San Francisco wrote of him:
The battle against Tsar Nicholas II was clearly bound up with the battle against God and faith . . . He became a Martyr, having remained faithful to the Ruler of those who rule, and accepted death in the same way as the martyrs accepted it.
To read more on the Tsar-Martyr, have at look through these online resources:

1 comment:

  1. I would suggest that within Orthodoxy, this is the single most important issue when trying to understand our modern age. The very same banker regime "in charge" of our modern economy (and its upcoming New World Order) and fallen culture is the same regime that had the righteous Tsar murdered. This issue is the elephant in the room. So many of our saints have spoken clearly about this, yet we ignore it and try to make peace with out modern age. Let us not forget that during the French Revolution one of the first acts was to take all the relics in the Parisian churches and dump them in the Siene! That is Enlightenment!
