Saturday, May 22, 2010

Reading Group: Looking Ahead

With God's help, he have had an excellent discussion of "The Moral Idea of the Dogma of the Holy Trinity," with about half a dozen active participants. Please bear in mind that the discussion of this chapter is by no means closed, and people are welcome to continue posting comments. This week we will be turning our attention to the essay "The Moral Idea of the Dogma of the Incarnation." Here's the schedule we'll follow:
Sunday, May 23: Parts 1 and 2
Monday, May 24: Part 3
Tuesday, May 25: Part 4
Wednesday, May 26: Part 5
Thursday, May 27: Part 6
Friday, May 28: Part 7
Saturday, May 29: Part 8
If anyone has any suggestions as to how the discussion could be done better, please let me know. I'm quite open to change if it's for the better.

Finally, I'd suggest that everyone participating in the discussion bear in mind a key question originally raised by Mark Montague, namely: Does Metropolitan Anthony start with the "moral idea" and derive or justify the dogma thereby, or does he begin with the dogma and derive the "moral idea" therefrom." Keep that in mind as you read.

Again, any and all constructive suggestions for improving the discussion are more than welcome. If you don't want to leave a comment, you can send me an email.

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