Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Yet Another Reading Group Announcement

The volume that we will be studying is divided into two books: the first is dedicated to a critique of Kant's idea of autonomous morality, and the second is dedicated to the moral idea of the main dogmas of the faith. It had been my intention to study only the second part of the book. It seems to me that it wouldn't hurt, however, if a few courageous souls embarked upon a reading of book one, on Kant. Therefore I would propose the revised following schedule (revised only in adding an optional first week; all other dates remain the same):
May 9: Book I (introductory material plus text on Kant; i.e., pp. 1-37) -- entirely optional
May 16: The Dogma of the Holy Trinity (pp. 39-58)
May 23: The Dogma of the Incarnation (pp. 59-72)
May 30: The Dogma of the Holy Spirit (pp. 73-80)
June 6: The Dogma of the Church (pp. 81-98)
June 13: The Dogma of the Redemption (pp. 99-138)
If there is a demand we can discuss criticism of the essay on the dogma of redemption (contained in an appendix, pp.139-165) on June 20.

Here's my idea on how all this will work. Each Sunday I will post a synopsis of the week's reading, and offer an "opening question" intended to get discussion going. Discussing will then, ideally, go on in the comments boxes. When the subject of the discussion shifts or changes, I'll introduce a new post to continue the discussion. All are welcome to participate, and I'll see my own role primarily as that of moderator. Everyone may post comments, though preference will be given to those who have actually read the book.

If anyone has suggestions as to how this could be done better, do let me know in the comments section of this post. This is my first time leading a discussion in this medium, and I'm certain there are others out there with greater experience.

By the way, I would continue to be grateful if people who plan to participate would let me know; it would be very helpful to know how many people to expect. Please either leave a comment or send me an email.