Friday, June 11, 2010

Reading Group, 4f

The Church Militant

a. A question might arise about how the earthly as well as the heavenly Church might be called holy and sinless.

b. A primary refutation of Protestantism is their abolishing of prayerful communion with the saints and prayer for the deceased.

c. The Church must have in each epoch a manifestation which is known and adequate to itself. On earth, the struggle between the implanted new Church nature and the old nature, the quantitative fullness of Christ’s gifts to the Church must live and act. The mystical energy for good which is given to the Christian soul in addition to its consciousness as grace-filled gifts must also be seen to live and act.

d. The majority of the Lord’s parables about the Kingdom of God concern the militant Church.
  1. How does Metropolitan Anthony respond to the objection that in his presentation of the dogma of the Church there is neither the teaching of the Church as an organized society or an indication of the sense in which the earthly as well as the heavenly Church is called holy and sinless?

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