Sunday, June 20, 2010

My Syllabus

As I've had to occasion to mention a number of times, I taught for several years at Holy Trinity Seminary in Jordanville, NY. I taught a variety of subjects: Principles of Orthodoxy, English, ESL, New Testament Greek, and Russian History. The subject that I was most excited to teach was always Principles of Orthodoxy, a two-semester sequence that I envisioned as a sort of introduction to theology. Here, for your interest, is the basic syllabus I used:

First Semester
  • Genesis, 1-11;
  • Genesis, 12-50;
  • Exodus;
  • Prophetic texts (handout -- the 12 Holy Saturday readings from Vespers);
  • St. Matthew;
  • St. Mark;
  • St. Luke and Acts;
  • St John and Epistles;
  • Romans;
  • Ephesians and Colossians;
  • Revelation.
Second semester

I really love to read the Scriptures and Holy Fathers!


  1. Father,

    when you say that you taught English, were you teaching English language to seminarians whose primary language was Russian? And were you teaching English so that it may be used for sermons or so that English would be used fairly evenly with Old Church Slavonic during the Liturgy? Just curious.

  2. Father, I was recently accepted into Holy Trinity Seminary; I'm headed to Jordanville in the Fall. Do you have any advice for future seminarians?

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