Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Who is Fr Job?

I recently received a question asking who Fr Job was. I've found a short biography online, and have translated and hyperlinked it for you:
Hieromonk Job (Gumerov) was born in 1942. In 1966, he graduated from the philosophy department of Moscow State University, and then received the degree of aspirantura. He defended his candidate’s dissertation in the Institute of Philosophy on the theme “A Systematic Analysis of the Changes in Social Organization”; then for fifteen years he worked as a senior research fellow at the All-Union Scientific Research Institute for System Studies, Academy of Sciences. He graduated from the Moscow Theological Seminary, and then the Theological Academy. He defended his thesis for the degree of Candidate in Theology. He taught Foundational Theology at the Moscow Theological Seminary and Old Testament at the Theological Academy. He is in charge of the "Questions to a Priest" on the site Pravoslavie.ru.

In 1990, he was ordained a deacon, and was ordained to the priesthood in the same year. He has served at the St. Vladimir Church in Starykh Sadekh, the St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church in Khamovniki, and Ivanovo Monastery [all in Moscow]. Since 2003, he has lived at the Sretensky Monastery [in Central Moscow]. In April 2005, he was tonsured to monasticism with the name Job [his Baptismal name had been Athanasius].
For a clear explanation of what these degrees mean, see here.

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