News items in Greek and French report that the third volume of Dr Larchet's trilogy – The Therapy of Spiritual Illness – has now been released in Greek translation (under the title Η θεραπευτική των πνευματικών νοσημάτων - Εισαγωγή στην ασκητική παράδοση της Ορθοδόξου Εκκλησίας) by Apostoliki Diakonia, the official imprint of the Church of Greece. The Greek edition (in two volumes) was official released at a major function held in Athens on Wednesday, April 7, 2009, attended by over 200 people, including several hierarchs, many clergy, and representatives the Theology Faculty of the University of Athens. The event was opened by Metropolitan Damaskinos, a member of the Holy Synod, who read a letter of greeting from the Primate of the Church of Greece, Archbishop Ieronymos II of Athens and All Greece. Further remarks were offered by Bishop Agathangelos, general editor of Apostoliki Diakonia; Metropolitan Hierotheos of Nafpaktos, who is well known for his own works written in a similar vein; Hieromonk Damianos of Mt Athos, who is trained both as a doctor and a theologian; Stylianos Papadopoulos, professor emeritus of patrology at the Theological Faculty of the University of Athens; and, finally, the author himself, who expressed his gratitude to the translators and publishers of his work. On the following day Dr Larchet was interviewed for the Church of Greece's radio station and received by His Beatitude, Archbishop Ieronymos.
Here's hoping that an English translation of this volume is forthcoming!
A few scattered items by Dr Larchet can be found online in English translation:
- On the Love of Enemies: The Teaching of St Silouan.
- 'But I Say to You, Love Your Enemies.'
- The Theology of Illness (Google Books, incomplete).
- The Question of the Roman Primacy in the Thought of Saint Maximus the Confessor (Google Books, incomplete).
UPDATE: Dr Larchet himself was kind enough to inform me that an English translation of The Therapy of Spiritual Illness is forthcoming from Alexander Press.
Mr. Larchet is a convert from what community or church?
Dr Larchet converted to Orthodoxy from the Roman Catholic Church at the age of 21.
Re: the update, that is most auspicious news! My admiration for Dr Larchet's work knows no bounds.
Does anybody know anything about his biographyq We're trying to write an article on him but we have no clues. If anybody knows anything please communicate with us.The email address is aglaiaz@yahoo.gr.
From Greece.
Thank you
Hello... I'm looking for a eDr. Larchet's e-mail. Anyone knows how communicate with him. Thanks. Write me: sagui5@hotmail.com from Mexico
Fr. Christopher Sprecher has translated the third volume, and it should be published soon.
Hello everyone, does anybody know an e mail adress ou any way to contact Pr.Larchet?
Thank you very much,
Simona (elladanila@yahoo.com)
Ps:I would like to invite him to visit us in Belgium, in our paroisse"All Saints"Vedrin
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