Christ is Risen! Христос Воскресе! Χριστός ἀνέστη!
It's been nearly a year since I last updated this site. A good bit of that time was spent in the hospital, most of the time with a broken computer. Now my health is much improved and, thanks to a generous donation from the website Orthodoxy and the World (Russian version here), I am the proud owner of a new MacBook.
I am as yet undecided how often I'll update, but it will most likely be less frequently than during the two extended periods when I was blogging regularly. My guess is that most new posts will either be reading notes or various thoughts and reflections, with an occasional translation from the Russian thrown in for good measure. I am, as ever, open to suggestions.
So if you see this post, and would like to see more posts, do leave a comment to let me know.
Truly He is Risen! Воистину воскресе! Ἀληθῶς ἀνέστη!

More posts, please.
Truly He is risen!
What wonderful news! Welcome back!
Indeed, He is Risen!
Thank God for your renewed health. I--and many others--greatly look forward to more posts.
-SubDn. Lucas
Christ is risen!
Welcome back! You have been in my unworthy prayers, and I am thankful for your renewed health.
Priest John in GB
Oh yes, and congrats on the MacBook. I have one and love it.
Christ is risen!
Welcome back! You have been much missed. Health to you and fecundity to your blogging.
(Perhaps a little info on you...?)
Indeed he is risen! An excellent time to "resurrect" your blog!
Indeed He is Risen!
Welcome Back! It is wonderful news that your health has improved.
Indeed He is Risen! So glad to have you back. more posts would be most welcome.
Truly He is risen!
What a great surprise to see you back! I also vote for more posts.
Truly, He is risen!
It is good to read your work again, knowing that you've recovered, Father!
Christ is Risen!
Good to have you back, and glad to hear you are in better health!
May the Risen Christ have mercy on us all.
(oh, and welcome to Mac)
Truly He is risen! Welcome back, Father! I've been rather worried...
Can you still be reached at any of your old e-mail accounts?
Truly He is risen!
Welcome back! :)
Воистину воскресе!
It would be wonderful to read as many posts as you wish to put up.
God be praised that you are feeling better.
Truly He is risen!
Welcome back to health, and to writing, as well.
God is merciful!
Indeed He Is Risen!
Glory and thanks to Him for your restored health.
I've missed the posts you put up quite a bit having found them to be quite helpful in my journey. Please continue as you are able.
Happy dancing for the new Macbook.
He is Risen indeed !
Welcome back ! :-)
Truly He is risen!
Welcome back! How delightful to 'hear' from you again! Continued good health!
Truly, He is Risen!
This is probably my favorite blog. Glad to have you back.
In Truth He is Risen!
So glad to have you back at the keyboard, Father! Glory to God!
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