Tomorrow is the Sunday of Antipascha, also known as Thomas Sunday, on which we commemorate the Holy Apostle Thomas' touching of the Master's side. S. V. Bulgakov
This Sunday commemorates the appearance of the Lord to the Apostles after His resurrection and the touching of His wounds by the Apostle Thomas. The circumstances of these events are sung in all the stikhera and troparia of the canon on Apostle Thomas Sunday and in the stikhera of the other days of this week. The appearance of the risen Lord to the Apostle Thomas and all the eleven is selected for the first Sunday after the Paschal Sunday because the circumstances of this appearance serve as the indisputable proof of the resurrection of the Lord from the tomb, "as from the chamber, with His immaculate flesh". It assures not only believers and the amazed of the joy of all the followers of the Lord, but even the infidel pagans and the enemies of Christ the Savior - the Judeans. It assures that by the power of His Divinity Jesus Christ is risen again from the tomb, that after the resurrection He did not have an imaginary or illusory flesh in which form the bodiless spirits or inhabitants of heaven are vested when they sometimes appear to us or to the holy brethren, but the real immaculate flesh which He has assumed from the womb of the All-holy Theotokos, with which He was nailed to the cross and on which there remained wounds even after the resurrection.
- Pentecostarion service in English, Greek, and Slavonic.
- Epistle reading: Acts 5:12-20.
- Gospel reading: John 20:19-31.
- St John Chrysostom, homilies 12 and 13 on Acts.
- St John Chrysostom, homilies 86 and 87 on John.
- St Augustine, tractates 121 and 122 on John.
- St John of Kronstadt, sermon.
- Metropolitan Anthony of Kiev, sermon.
- Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh, sermons from 1977 and 1995.
- Archbishop Averky, Gospel commentary.
- Archbishop Andrei of Rockland, sermon.
- Archbishop Dmitri of Dallas, sermon.
- Archbishop Sylianos of Australia, sermon.
- Bishop Mefody of Campanie, sermon.
- Fr Alexander Schmemann, sermon.
- Fr Sergei Sveshnikov, sermon.
- Fr Andrew Phillips, sermon.
- Fr George Dimopoulos, sermon.
- Fr Anthony Coniaris, sermon.
- Greek Archdiocese, explanation.
- S. V. Bulgakov, explanation and liturgical notes.
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